How to Write: The 3 Hats Every Writer Wears

I’ve never had writer’s block. I’ve never sat down and stared blankly at a screen. I’ve never felt the need to do something else instead of write. I don’t think I have any special ability. I believe the reason is because I know exactly what hat I’m wearing. hat noun , used to refer to a particular role or occupation of someone who has more than one. — Source Apple Dictionary I know I have a dad hat, another for being a hubby and many different hats in my businesses. The trick is to know what hat you are wearing and to not wear the wrong hat. I know from experience being “hubby” doesn’t work while I’m still wearing my “CEO hat.” And my kids don’t respond or enjoy my company if I don’t have my “Dad” hat on. Understanding this concept of hats early in my writing career, I identified 3 different hats I wear when writing a book. As long as I know the hat I’m wearing and don’t mix them up, the writing process is smooth, easy and fun. The hats of a writer are: The Writer or Crea...